Friday, April 8, 2011


This is a writing exercise, not intended for any commercial purposes (or really, any purpose other than entertaining myself).  I'm going to take Stephanie Meyers #1 New York Times bestseller Twilight and turn it into something I'd want to read. 

I've never read Twilight.  I made it a few chapters in once, so I know enough to confirm what seems to be general consensus about the book: 1) It's insipid gibberish of the worst sort, 2) The copy editor should be shot, 3) Seriously, don't read this tripe.  4) etc. and so on.  People hate the book about exactly as much as it is successful, which, given the quality of the writing, they have a right to. 

Since I have never read Twilight, my plan of attack is to go a chapter at a time, reading ahead only if I feel it necessary, and edit the thing or completely change it as the mood strikes me. I'll explain more after I know what I'm doing.  But I'm starting now.  Onetwothree go.

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